Not everything is a 4-step plan … 😏
If you are looking to relaunch your career and do not think you have this “networking” thing handled, don’t worry … you are not alone! Here’s the GOOD NEWS! Your network is already in place, it’s a matter of recognizing your resources.
When you tap into your network, you tap into a support system that allows you (more) connection, visibility, and opportunity.
The 3 KEY ingredients everyone needs in their network;
💫 Mentors - those who will help guide you to success
💫 Connectors - those who bring others together
💫 Influencers - those with established credibility in a field/industry
The top 2 networking mistakes (per Robert Half Management Resources survey)
💫 Failing to ask for help
💫 Failing to stay in touch (or only reaching out when you need something)
Building relationships is a skill set - one you need to work at consistently. The really good news … a few small fixes in your day-to-day activities will put you on the right track to relationship-building.
This is something we dig deep on in the COMPASS Method coaching programs. Want to learn more, let's connect HERE.