I would say, the #1 tool in your professional toolbox is your NETWORK. It is probably the most powerful tool for an individual to move themselves forward in their career. A persons network can help with visibility, connection, and opportunities.
Who is in your network?
Developing your network is easy. You know more people than you think you do. Creating a network, simply put, is linking individuals together. Establishing relationships and continuing to build on them with trust and care.
Six Points of Connection
Your network should consist of 6 connection points in your life. All different, yet equally important, connection points. For example, family, alumni groups, neighbors, church/religious groups, clubs/organizations, "mom groups," past or present co-workers ...to name a few.
Online vs In-Person?
Especially now, in the days of COVID & Quarantine, it will BEST serve you to have an overlapping network. One that consists both online AND in-person.
From an online perspective, there are several social networking sites where you can make and grow professional contacts; Facebook and LinkedIn to name a few. You can also join online discussion groups; blogs, newsgroups, and online chat room communities. Growing an online network is convenient, universally accessible, and immediate. The digital arena, especially as of recent, has shown much growth and promise.
Although the online network is convenient and immediate, nothing can beat the power of in-person connection! Human interaction. Relationship building. Trust and support. These are the little treasures that grow your ever evolving network.
Personally, I have found that having a complimentary network of online AND in-person is the BEST way to continue growing and moving your career forward. Online will keep you connected and in-person will allow you to enhance those relationships.
Keep growing ...your network will quickly become a beautiful web of connected relationships. There is nothing more powerful!