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Writer's picturepaige d'anna

The Rise of the Hybrid Workplace

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

COVID-19. Pandemic. Lockdown. Unprecedented. Hybrid. Zoom. Vaccine. Mandate. All words that were barely part of our everyday vocabulary, are now at the forefront of our daily lives.

When COVID hit, it came in like a wrecking ball. Shutting down the world in what seemed like a nano-second. Life as we all knew it changed ... forever! COVID not only impacted millions medically, but the effects of COVID were felt economically, socially, and mentally.

We adjusted a lot through this pandemic. Shopping moved online with the convenience of front-door delivery to the use of Zoom for work and Google for school. All things we began to count on as we were pivoting into this new way of living. It also gave us an appreciation for things we had long taken for granted, like the extraordinary work of our teachers or the hard (and front-line) work of our healthcare workers.

One of the biggest shifts we saw, one that will have a long-lasting impact, is the rise of remote work. This shift was born simply out of necessity as companies + businesses pivoted to work-from-home models so business could continue and employees could work, but do so without risk of being in the office.

We are slowly starting to see the pandemic begin to recede and with that will come shifts in the workplace. Employers will need to be forward thinking and employee-focused. Mental health awareness will remain at the forefront for employers. As we begin to transition back into our new way of life, hybrid continues to remain part of the equation.

Here are a few ways the pandemic has changed the job landscape forever:

  1. The Hybrid Workplace Companies are implementing new policies to remain competitive to ensure they are attracting quality employees. Leading with family friendly policies, keeping employees healthy in all areas of their lives. Hybrid (remote) options, with flexible hours.

  2. Skills over Education Our current job market is showing a shift from job seekers with a formal education to those with a particular skill(s). This offers an opportunity for upskilling and reskilling. Companies that can (or will) offer on-the-job training will HUGELY widen their talent pool.

  3. Growth in the Trade Labor Market A notable acceleration happened when we were placed on lockdown due to COVID, there was an increased need for warehouse, construction, and logistics workers. These markets have seen a huge percentage increase compared to pre-pandemic 2020, while other markets have suffered due to high burn-out levels (like health care workers).

  4. Work Perks While we may be seeing the pandemic beginning to recede, businesses will need to prioritize which perks they will continue to offer employees. Employers are now offering a range of perks to help boost morale, engagement, teamwork, and a sense of connectedness.

As we are seeing, the pandemic has changed the landscape of the workplace forever. As I mentioned in my last article, The Great Resignation, we are in an employee market right now. Employers will need to make some adjustments to ensure they are attracting quality employees. Gone are the days where people live to work ... now, in our post-pandemic world, people are working so they can live!

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